Lauren M. E. Goodlad, Lilya Kaganovsky & Robert A. Rushing (Eds.), <i>Mad Men, Mad World: Sex, Politics, Style & the 1960s<i/>


  • Enrica Picarelli Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University, Lueneburg


Mad Men, television studies, review, aesthetics, 1960s,

Author Biography

Enrica Picarelli, Centre for Digital Cultures, Leuphana University, Lueneburg

Enrica Picarelli is the recipient of the “Michael Ballhaus” fellowship for postdoctoral research at Leuphana University (Lüneburg). She completed her Ph.D. in Cultural and Postcolonial Studies of the Anglophone World at “L’Orientale” University of Naples, where her dissertation addressed the reverberations of the post-9/11 culture of fear in American science fiction series. Her current research focuses on the televisual promotion of American shows, combining an interest in media theory and textual analysis with a focus on the affective economy of promotion. Picarelli has published articles and essays on Battlestar Galactica, Mad Men and Lost in various journals and anthologies.  






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