Linje Manyozo, <i>Media, Communication and Development: Three Approaches,<i/>


  • Keneth Bamuturaki university of Exeter


media communication development

Author Biography

Keneth Bamuturaki, university of Exeter

Biography Keneth is currently completing a PhD at the Department of Drama, University of Exeter in the United Kingdom where he has also been teaching as a Graduate Teaching Assistant. His research focuses on theatre as a participatory development communication tool. He has presented his research on theatre and development communication and shared knowledge at various universities in Uganda and the United Kingdom namely; Makerere University, University of Exeter, University of Reading, Goldsmith University of London, Royal Holloway university of London, University of Lincoln and Cumberland lodge, London. Before embarking on his PhD studies at Exeter, Keneth was teaching Drama at the Department of Performing Arts and Film, Makerere University. 






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