Public Service Media| Contemplating a “Public Service Navigator”: In Search of New- (and Better-) Functioning Public Service Media


  • Mira Burri World trade Institute University of Bern


public service broadcasting, public service media, digital technologies, Internet, exposure diversity


The article is set against the backdrop of the reform of public-service broadcasting (PSB) institutions and results from the wide spread of digital technologies. It seeks to answer whether, in a transformed information and communication environment, it would be apt for new PSBs, regardless of their precise organizational design, to assume the role of a “public-service navigator” (PSN). This article shows that there is a need for this new type of editorial intelligence that links users with content in a way that advances conventional media objectives, particularly exposure diversity. The paper clarifies what a PSN project may look like given the practical reality of searching for and consuming content in the digital space.

Author Biography

Mira Burri, World trade Institute University of Bern

Senior Research Fellow, lecturer in law






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