From <i>Mani</i> Stones to Twitter: Bhutan Creates a Unique Media Matrix for a 21st-Century Democracy


  • Bunty Avieson University of Sydney


, Bhutan, social media, Twitter, Facebook, Internet, mobile phones, digital literacy, oral culture


The small Himalayan kingdom of Bhutan is adopting digital media in culturally specific ways. For this traditionally oral culture with little interest in newspapers, digital media such as Facebook and Twitter sit comfortably alongside more traditional forms of media such as mani stones and lama dancing. In this article I use Benedict Anderson’s theory of media for creating nationhood and an imagined political community as a prism to consider the media landscape that is developing in Bhutan. The unique media matrix that is emerging from all the modern media platforms available provides a fresh perspective from which to consider the baggage of print capitalism and to rethink notions of print literacy versus digital literacy.

Author Biography

Bunty Avieson, University of Sydney

Dr Bunty Avieson is a lecturer in the media department of University of Sydney. She went to Bhutan in 2008/9 as a UN-funded media consultant, training journalists and advising management on Bhutan Observer newspaper, as well as consulting to Reporters Without Borders (Asia Desk). Her PhD investigated the emerging mediascape in the new democracy of Bhutan, winning a Vice Chancellor's Commendation for Excellence from Macquarie University. She has a Masters of Philosophy and Associate Diploma of Journalism. She worked as a journalist for 25 years in Britain and Australia, has authored three crime novels, a novella, a travel memoir, and written extensively on Bhutan. Her books have been translated variously into German, Japanese and Thai.





