Why Citizens Still Rarely Serve as News Sources: Validating a Tripartite Model of Circumstantial, Logistical, and Evaluative Barriers


  • Zvi Reich The Department of Communication Studies, Ben Gurion University of the Negev


citizens, news sources, news access, technology, participation, Israel


Despite being equipped to an unprecedented extent to become substantial news players, despite a growing need for their journalistic input, and despite the promise of user-generated content to give them voice, ordinary citizens remain a negligible news source. To explore why this is so, I propose a model that indicates journalists’ reliance on citizens is hindered by three factors: circumstantial (situations calling for input from citizens arise ad hoc), logistical (using them requires greater journalistic effort), and evaluative (journalists appreciate their contributions less). A broad comparison of contacts with ordinary citizens against contacts with other source types (N = 2,381) in Israel strongly validates this model. To enhance their access, citizens may need not only a technological revolution but also a social, cultural, and epistemic revolution.

Author Biography

Zvi Reich, The Department of Communication Studies, Ben Gurion University of the Negev

Zvi Reich is a senior lecturer at the Department of Communication, Ben Gurion University of the Negev who specializes in journalism research and newsmaking and a former journalist.  





