Balancing Audience and Privacy Tensions on Social Network Sites: Strategies of Highly Engaged Users


  • Jessica Vitak College of Information Studies, University of Maryland
  • Stacy Blasiola University of Illinois-Chicago
  • Sameer Patil Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT)
  • Eden Litt Northwestern University


privacy, boundary regulation, social network sites, context collapse, impression management, Facebook


As social network sites grow and diversify in both users and content, tensions between users’ audience composition and their disclosure practices become more prevalent. Users must navigate these spaces carefully to reap relational benefits while ensuring content is not shared with unintended audiences. Through a qualitative study of highly engaged Facebook users, this study provides insight into how people conceptualize friendship online as well as how perceived audience affects privacy concerns and privacy management strategies. Findings suggest an increasingly complex relationship between these variables, fueled by collapsing contexts and invisible audiences. Although a diverse range of strategies are available to manage privacy, most participants in this sample still engaged in some degree of self-censorship.

Author Biographies

Jessica Vitak, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland

Assistant Professor, College of Information Studies, University of Maryland, (301) 405-8617,

Stacy Blasiola, University of Illinois-Chicago

PhD Student

Sameer Patil, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT)

Research Scientist, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology (HIIT)

Eden Litt, Northwestern University

PhD candidate in the Media, Technology, and Society program at Northwestern University





