Value Poaching: Framing the Same Values for Competing Political Ends


  • Thomas E. Nelson Ohio State University
  • Sophie Lecheler Amsterdam School of Communication Research, ASCoR University of Amsterdam
  • Andreas R.T. Schuck Amsterdam School of Communication Research, ASCoR University of Amsterdam
  • Claes H. de Vreese Amsterdam School of Communication Research, ASCoR University of Amsterdam


framing effects, values, political attitudes, survey experiment


Previous research has established that rival issue frames that target competing values can lead public opinion in different directions. This article examines rival frames that target the same values but for competing political ends. We report on an experiment (N = 503) that examines the framing of a controversy over extreme anti-immigrant speech. Both supporters and opponents of the speech framed their positions around free expression and democracy. Such framing influenced judgments about how these values were upheld by permitting versus banning hate speech. These judgments, in turn, affected tolerance for such speech. We conclude that the impact of values on political attitudes depends not just on the framing of the issue but also on the framing of the values themselves.

Author Biographies

Thomas E. Nelson, Ohio State University

Associate ProfessorDepartment of Political Science(614) 292-6408

Sophie Lecheler, Amsterdam School of Communication Research, ASCoR University of Amsterdam

Associate Professor

Andreas R.T. Schuck, Amsterdam School of Communication Research, ASCoR University of Amsterdam

Associate Professor

Claes H. de Vreese, Amsterdam School of Communication Research, ASCoR University of Amsterdam






