A Comparative Investigation Into Press–State Relations: Comparing Source Structures in Three News Agencies’ Coverage of the North Korean Missile Crisis


  • Seok Ho Lee The University of Texas at Austin
  • Qian Wang The University of Texas at Austin


international news, indexing theory, network analysis, news sources, framing


News media are on the frontline of international conflicts. Media messages play a pivotal role in increasing the diplomatic leverage at the negotiation table, which represents press–state relations. The present study applied indexing theory to examine these press–state relations from a global perspective. Using social network analysis, this research analyzed the development of source structures of news on the North Korean missile crisis by examining news agencies in the United States, China, and South Korea. The study found that these agencies conformed to their respective national interests; thus, their issue framings were an extension of each country’s domestic politics. These results add more insight into not only press–state relations, but also the complex system of global politics.

Author Biographies

Seok Ho Lee, The University of Texas at Austin

Seok Ho Lee is a doctoral student in journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. His research interests lie on how interconnected individual’s’ relations affect their behaviors and decision-making process in the digital media environment. He is conducting research on how news producers and consumers behave differently across different channels of new and traditional media. For further inquiry on his research interests or works, he can be reached at 512-758-9065. 

Qian Wang, The University of Texas at Austin

Qian Wang is a doctoral student in the School of Journalism at the University of Texas at Austin. Her research interests focus on new media and media effects. She is also interested in the media’s role in establishing  ideology and power in society. She used to be an editor and journalist at Xinhua News Agency in China. For further inquiry on her research interests or works, she can be reached at 713-492-6947.





