<b>Media Audiences| Introduction ~ Audiences Across Media: A Comparative Agenda for Future Research on Media Audiences</b>


  • Klaus Bruhn Jensen University of copenhagen
  • Rasmus Helles University of Copenhagen


Contemporary media constitute an increasingly global, digital environment of communication, but audiences remain geographically and culturally situated. Research documenting and comparing audience practices around the world has been limited beyond commercial and cultural statistics not only because of the sheer cost of the necessary empirical infrastructure but also due to methodological difficulties of how to study the same medium in the context of different social structures and cultural practices. This special issue presents empirical findings and methodological implications from a nine-country comparative study of media use in Europe and outlines potentials and perspectives for further comparative and cross-continental research.

Author Biographies

Klaus Bruhn Jensen, University of copenhagen

ProfessorDepartment of Media, Cognition, and Communication University of Copenhagen

Rasmus Helles, University of Copenhagen

 Associate ProfessorDepartment of Media, Cognition, and Communication University of Copenhagen






Special Sections