Media Audiences| Is Print Really Dying? The State of Print Media Use in Europe


  • Hillel Nossek School of Media Studies, College of Management Academic Studies, Israel
  • Hanna Adoni Sammy Ofer School of Communication, Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center, Israel
  • Galit Nimrod University of the Negev, Israel


books, magazines, newspapers, print media, reading


The controversy concerning the future displacement of print media is an ongoing dispute among stakeholders and academic experts. Based on the model of displacement or resilience of a given medium, this study explores the print media audience, primarily by comparing the time spent reading print media with that allotted to consuming their digital equivalents and other media. The study compares nine European democratic countries that have undergone the same technological changes but that also manifest disparate cultures that may explain variance in consumption patterns. The study’s main findings demonstrate that print media are still an important component of the new communications environment among European audiences. Reasons for print media’s resilience are suggested in the discussion.

Author Biographies

Hillel Nossek, School of Media Studies, College of Management Academic Studies, Israel

Professor and Dean, School of Meida StudeisThe College of Management, Academic Studies

Hanna Adoni, Sammy Ofer School of Communication, Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center, Israel

Professor and Deputy Dean for Academic AffairsSammy Ofer School of Communication, Herzliya Interdisciplinary Center, Israel

Galit Nimrod, University of the Negev, Israel

Department of Communication Studies, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel






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