Nonprofit Communication and Fundraising in China: Exploring the Theory of Situational Support in an International Context


  • Yue Zheng California State University, Northridge, USA
  • Brooke W. McKeever University of South Carolina
  • Linjia Xu University of International Business and Economic


fundraising, nonprofit, situational theory of publics, theory of reasoned action, theory of situational support, China


Using a survey of 586 college students from Beijing, China, this study tested the theory of situational support by exploring Chinese students’ motivations to participate in nonprofit fundraising events. This study also compared theory variables between Chinese and U.S. college students by looking at similar data from a survey previously conducted with 514 U.S. students. There were differences between the two groups regarding constraint recognition, subjective norms, attitudes toward fundraising, and other variables, perhaps because of Confucianism, collectivism, and other differences between China and the United States. The findings generate a range of theoretical and practical implications including how nonprofit practitioners in China might develop better communication and messaging strategies to segment publics, motivate potential donors, and advance future fundraising efforts.

Author Biographies

Yue Zheng, California State University, Northridge, USA

Assistant ProfessorCalifornia State University, Northridge, USA

Brooke W. McKeever, University of South Carolina

Associate ProfessorSchool of Journalism and Mass CommunicationsUniversity of South Carolina, USA

Linjia Xu, University of International Business and Economic

Assistant ProfessorUniversity of International Business and Economics, China





