Net Neutrality| The Historical Moment of Net Neutrality: An Interview With Former U.S. Federal Communications Commissioner Michael J. Copps (Forum)


  • Bill Kirkpatrick Denison University


media policy, Internet policy, network neutrality, citizen activism, policy history, Federal Communications Commission, media reform


Former Federal Communications Commissioner Michael J. Copps (sworn in May 31, 2001; served until December 31, 2011) reflects on how his time on the commission helped pave the way for the 2015 net neutrality decision. He offers his historical perspective on the role of the public in media policymaking and upcoming issues for citizens and activists.

Author Biography

Bill Kirkpatrick, Denison University

Bill Kirkpatrick is Associate Professor of Media Studies in the Communication Department at Denison University.  His publications include articles in Communication, Culture, and Critique; Critical Studies in Media Communication; Television & New Media; Radio Journal; the International Journal of Communication; and several anthologies. He is currently working on a book project on radio and disability, as well as an anthology (co-edited with Elizabeth Ellcessor) on media and disability. His research interests include U.S. broadcast history and policy, media and disability, and citizen-produced media.  






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