"My Voice Needs to be Heard": Cultural Challengers in the Regulatory Arena


  • Efrat Daskal The Open University of Israel


entertainment broadcast, regulation, public complaints, civic engagement, dialogue


This article proposes the concept of cultural challengers, viewers whose dissatisfaction with popular culture prompts them to initiate a dialogue with media organizations. The article explores the textual dimensions that may cause such discontent and identifies three tracks for conducting the dialogue: civic, economic, and regulatory. The regulatory track is explored through three methodologies: a quantitative content analysis of 817 complaints filed to the Israeli regulatory authority (SATR) between 2005 and 2010, and of the SATR’s responses to them; participatory observation within the SATR; and an online survey of 58 viewers who had filed a complaint with the SATR. The article highlights the differing stances of the regulator and the cultural challengers and analyzes the social and cultural implications of the dialogue.

Author Biography

Efrat Daskal, The Open University of Israel

PhD in Communication and Journalism from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem. Currently I am a postdoctoral research fellow at the Open University of Israel, The Department of Sociology, Political Science and CommunicationPhone number - 972-505-773710 





