<B>Venture Labor| Entrepreneuring the Good Life? ― Introduction</b>


  • Laura Robinson Santa Clara University


self-branding, entrepreneurship, work, labor, e-journalism, new media industries, venture labor


Drawing on Gina Neff’s concept of venture labor as the “explicit expression of entrepreneurial values by non-entrepreneurs,” this research brings together voices from multiple social science perspectives including communication, sociology, and media studies. Together, the contributors grapple with how the work of media making is changing with the introduction of new media technologies, the economic ideologies that support the work of the production of popular communication, and the precarity of media work in a digital media landscape. The authors ask, What are the risks and rewards of tying an increasingly insecure form of work to economic risks, opportunities, and rewards, on the one hand, and the good life, on the other hand?

Author Biography

Laura Robinson, Santa Clara University

Laura Robinson is Associate Professor at Santa Clara University. She earned her PhD from UCLA, where she held a Mellon Fellowship in Latin American Studies and received a Bourse d’Accueil at the École Normale Supérieure. In addition to holding a postdoctoral fellowship on a John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation funded project at the USC Annenberg Center, Robinson has served as Affiliated Faculty at the ISSI at UC Berkeley, Visiting Assistant Professor at Cornell University and Visiting Scholar at Trinity College Dublin. She is Series Co-Editor for Emerald Studies in Media and Communications and a past chair of CITAMS (Communication, Information Technology, and Media Sociology Section of the ASA). Her publications include articles in journals including Sociological Methodology, Information, Communication and Society, and New Media & Society. Her research has earned awards from CITASA, AOIR, and NCA IICD. Her website is www.laurarobinson.org.





