Venture Labor| Labor on the Cutting Edge


  • Jeremy Schulz UC Berkeley


insecurity, free agent, new spirit of capitalism, employability


In Venture Labor, we encounter resourceful and skilled groups of professionals dealing with a complex mixture of economic and noneconomic opportunity, risk, insecurity, and creative fulfillment. To navigate this shifting and fluid landscape, these professionals choose from among a set of contrasting strategies. Some of these strategies entail insecurity and risk, while others maximize opportunities for desired creative work or the chance to acquire economic wealth. In examining these strategies, Venture Labor unravels the mysteries of work under a form of individualizing capitalism still in its infancy.

Author Biography

Jeremy Schulz, UC Berkeley

Jeremy Schulz is a visiting scholar in residence at the Institute for the Study of Societal Issues, UC Berkeley. He earned his PhD from UC Berkeley and held a National Science Foundation postdoctoral fellowship at Cornell University. He has published on a broad range of topics, including consumption, work, family, culture, and inequalities. His recent publications include “Talk of Work” published in Theory and Society and “Shifting Grounds and Evolving Battlegrounds,” published in the American Journal of Cultural Sociology. His article “Winding Down the Workday,” published in Qualitative Sociology, received the Shils-Coleman Award from the ASA Theory Section. His current research examines peer-to-peer consumption, wealth trajectories, indebtedness, and innovative qualitative methods. His website is





