Net Neutrality| Narrowing the Gap: Gender and Mobilization in Net Neutrality Advocacy


  • Deen Freelon American University
  • Amy B. Becker Loyola University Maryland
  • Bob Lannon Sunlight Foundation
  • Andrew Pendleton Sunlight Foundation


gender gap, Federal Communications Commission, data science, computational, feminism, Internet


In 2015, the Federal Communications Commission moved to regulate the Internet under Title II of the Communications Act of 1934, handing net neutrality advocates a major victory. This followed years of impassioned advocacy by a wide range of ideological actors. This study examines several factors that influenced the gender gap in one prominent type of net neutrality activism: messages submitted to the commission during the first of two official comment periods in 2014. Our computational analysis of more than 800,000 such comments identifies and profiles 11 distinct advocacy campaigns that together accounted for nearly 60% of commenters. We find that progressive campaigns attracted relatively high proportions of female commenters, whereas conservative and tech-focused campaigns overwhelmingly elicited responses from men.

Author Biographies

Deen Freelon, American University

Deen Freelon is an Associate Professor in the School of Communication at American University.

Amy B. Becker, Loyola University Maryland

Amy B. Becker is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication at Loyola University Maryland.

Bob Lannon, Sunlight Foundation

Bob Lannon is a data scientist and software developer. His work at the Sunlight Foundation (from 2012-2015) focused on novel ways of tracking political influence.

Andrew Pendleton, Sunlight Foundation

Andrew Pendleton is a software developer interested in scaling data ingestion and analysis processes. He focused on regulatory process analysis at the Sunlight Foundation from 2010-2015 and now works with geodata at Mapbox.






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