Global Maladies, Local <i>In Treatment</i>: “Quality” TV Fiction Formats, Glocal Forms of Prestige, and Cumulative Cross-Cultural Dialogues


  • Nahuel Ribke Tel Aviv University


, television formats, fiction genre, global television, cultural translation, quality television


With the rise of television formats in global television, several studies have examined the economic, political, and cultural aspects of this media product’s production and circulation. This study analyzes the complex path of a television drama series from a local critical and popular phenomenon to a global “quality” fiction format, focusing on the transnationalization process of the format of the Israeli program BeTipul from its arrival in the United States to its adaptation and reception in Canada, Argentina, Brazil, and Italy. The study emphasizes the cross-cultural dialogic attributes of the quality fiction format, which support a strategy comprising both mutual benefits and competition, as opposed to the allegedly “odorless” or “neutral” features of reality and game-show formats.

Author Biography

Nahuel Ribke, Tel Aviv University

Nahuel Ribke is lecturer at the department of history at Tel Aviv University and thedepartment of Film and Television at the Seminar Hakibutzim College. His research interests cover Institutional and Cultural Processes through Latin American Mass Media, Celebrity Politics, Television Genres and Social Media Activism. His new book is A Genre Approach to Celebrity Politics: GlobalPatterns of Passage from Media to Politics ( Palgrave, 2015).





