Shift or Stasis| Al Jazeera’s Complex Legacy: Thresholds for an Unconventional Media Player from the Global South


  • Mohamed Zayani Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar


Al Jazeera, media, international communication, Middle East, Global South


The rise of Al Jazeera has left an indelible mark on Middle East politics, invigorated the region’s media landscape, and introduced new dynamics in global media flows and international communication. The recent unsettling developments in the Middle East, however, have altered the media dynamics on which Al Jazeera thrived all along. Taking heed of the ongoing transformation of the Arab media landscape and the geopolitical reconfigurations of the region in the aftermath of the Arab uprisings, this article explores growing tensions and conflictual pulls that are redefining the network and compelling it to change.

Author Biography

Mohamed Zayani, Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar

Associate Professor of Critical Theory at the Georgetown University School of Foreign Service in Qatar






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