Good News in Bad News: How Negativity Enhances Economic Efficacy


  • Helle Mølgaard Svensson University of Southern Denmark
  • Erik Albæk University of Southern Denmark
  • Arjen van Dalen University of Southern Denmark
  • Claes de Vreese University of Southern Denmark


internal economic efficacy, news exposure, negativity, news attention, economic interest news attention, economic interest


Negativity is a news ideology, and its negative effects on attitude formation are widely documented. Contrary to this view, the present study demonstrates that negative economic news can in fact be good news. Based on a two-wave national panel survey and a media content analysis, we show that individual exposure to negative economic news enhances internal economic efficacy, a sense of competence in and understanding of the economy. This is good news as internal economic efficacy may facilitate economic evaluations and decision making. The study reveals that changes in economic efficacy are driven by news attention aroused by the negative tone. However, not all individuals are susceptible to such media effects. Higher interest in economic news lowers the impact of negativity on attention arousal.

Author Biographies

Helle Mølgaard Svensson, University of Southern Denmark

PhD candidate,Centre for Journalism+45 28145305

Erik Albæk, University of Southern Denmark

ProfessorCentre for Journalism+45 6550 2275 

Arjen van Dalen, University of Southern Denmark

Associate professorCentre for Journalism+ 45 6550 4417

Claes de Vreese, University of Southern Denmark

ProfessorCentre for Journalism+31 20 525 2426





