Credibility Gaps and Public Opinion in a Competitive Media Environment: The Case of Arab Satellite TV News in Lebanon


  • Erik C. Nisbet Ohio State University
  • Magdalena Saldana Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile
  • Thomas Johnson University of Texas at Austin
  • Guy Golan University of South Florida
  • Anita Day Johns Hopkins University


media credibility, Arab TV news, Lebanon, anti-Americanism, Islam, public diplomacy


In research on news exposure and public opinion, media credibility is typically examined as the dependent variable and is rarely considered an independent variable of interest. We move the understanding of media credibility forward by examining its role in attenuating the effects of media exposure on public opinion and how individual differences may moderate the linkage between exposure and credibility. Testing our model of opinion formation in the competitive media landscape of Lebanon, our findings suggest that credibility evaluations of competing news sources mediate the relationship between news exposure and opinion formation. Religious group identity also acts as an inconsistent moderator of the link between media exposure and credibility. Theoretical implications for opinion formation and public diplomacy are discussed.

Author Biographies

Erik C. Nisbet, Ohio State University

Associate Professor(614) 247-1693

Magdalena Saldana, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Chile

Assistant Professor(512)-740-7906

Thomas Johnson, University of Texas at Austin

Amon G. Carter Jr. Centennial Professor(618)521-4988

Guy Golan, University of South Florida

Visiting Associate Professor315-443-4493


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