Pavel Shlossberg, <i>Crafting Identity:Transnational Indian Arts and the Politics of Race in Central Mexico</i>


  • Regina Marchi Rutgers University


Book Review

Author Biography

Regina Marchi, Rutgers University

Regina Marchi is Associate Professor in the Department of Journalism and Media Studies at Rutgers University. Her research examines how traditional media, new media and alternative media communicate about politics and social issues. She is author of DAY OF THE DEAD IN THE USA: THE MIGRATION AND TRANSFORMATION OF A CULTURAL PRACTICE (Rutgers University Press 2009), a book about Latino public art as political media. She is currently working on a book project called YOUTH, MEDIA AND THE FUTURE OF NEWS, which investigates how people ages 14-22 learn about news and politics. Dr. Marchi has received multiple awards, including the James W. Carey Award for Media and Internet Research, and an International Latino Book Award in the category of Best Political/Historical Book.






Book Reviews