Internet Usage and Educational Outcomes Among 15-Year Old Australian Students


  • Alberto Posso Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology


educational attainment, Internet use, online gaming, social networks, Australia


Children in rich countries are using the Internet for social networking and gaming at very high rates, particularly in Australia. This study addresses whether these activities affect educational achievement in mathematics, reading, and science using the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development’s 2012 Program for International Student Assessment data set. The results suggest that using online social networks reduces academic achievement. Conversely, playing online games increases scores. It is argued that although both activities are associated with a high opportunity cost of study, video games potentially allow students to apply and sharpen skills learned in school. Skipping school, failing an academic year in the past, and being indigenous are also important predictors of underachievement. It is suggested that monitoring, counseling, and tutoring students who are at risk of failure may useful. 

Author Biography

Alberto Posso, Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology

Alberto Posso is an Associate Professor of Economics at the International Trade and Development Research Group in the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology (RMIT), where he has been employed since 2009. Alberto holds a PhD in Economics from the Australian National University (ANU) with specializations in labour economics, development, and applied econometrics. Alberto’s work aims at generating evidence based policy advice to developing countries at both the national and community level. Geographically, his area of specialization covers East Asia, Latin America and the Pacific. In recent years, Alberto has become one of Australia’s leading academic labour economists, with over two-dozen peer-reviewed publications in leading outlets. Alberto also has a growing international reputation as evidenced by adjunct appointments in Ecuador and Vietnam, as well as a series of presentations in reputable international conferences around the globe. 





