“Blood Is Thicker Than Water”: Interpersonal Influence, Selection, and the Role of Family in Forging Italians’ Political Agreement


  • Moreno Mancosu Collegio Carlo Alberto
  • Cristiano Vezzoni Unversity of Trento


social influence, homophily, social networks, electoral behavior, Italy


Mechanisms that are known to forge political agreement include interpersonal influence—the process by which people change their ideas according to others’ attitudes—and selection—people’s choice of their discussants according to their discussants’ preferences. Using data obtained from a longitudinal survey, we test how these two processes contribute to changing vote choices or discussants around the 2014 European elections in Italy. Results partly confirm findings from the previous literature, showing influence and selection effects. Moreover, it is suggested that the family contributes crucially in stimulating strategies that result in political agreement. Propensities to maintain agreeable discussants over time and to change voting choice are boosted by exposure to family members.

Author Biographies

Moreno Mancosu, Collegio Carlo Alberto

Postdoctoral Fellow Collegio Carlo Alberto Via Real Collegio, 30 10024 Moncalieri (Torino), Italy Office: First Floor - Room 1-16 Tel: +39 011 670 5020

Cristiano Vezzoni, Unversity of Trento

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Sociology and Social Research, University of Trento 





