Enhancing Attitudes Toward Stigmatized Groups with Movies: Mediating and Moderating Processes of Narrative Persuasion


  • Juan-José Igartua University of Salamanca Faculty of Social Sciences. Dpt. of Sociology and Communication. Campus Unamuno (Edificio FES). 37007 Salamanca (Spain)
  • Francisco J. Frutos University of Salamanca Faculty of Social Sciences. Dpt. of Sociology and Communication. Campus Unamuno (Edificio FES). 37007 Salamanca (Spain)


narrative persuasion, identification with characters, feature films, immigration, modern racism.


This study is linked to research into narrative persuasion and the techniques used to reduce rejection of stigmatized groups. Upper-secondary school students were assigned to one of two conditions: viewing a film that arouses empathy toward immigrants or seeing a film that underscores positive intergroup contact. One month before viewing the films the participants completed the Modern Racism Scale. After they viewed the films, researchers measured their identification with ingroup and outgroup characters and their attitudes toward immigration. Results showed that viewing the empathy-arousing film caused greater identification with the outgroup characters, which in turn induced more positive attitudes toward immigration, but only when previous prejudice was low or moderate. We discuss findings in the context of narrative persuasion research.

Author Biographies

Juan-José Igartua, University of Salamanca Faculty of Social Sciences. Dpt. of Sociology and Communication. Campus Unamuno (Edificio FES). 37007 Salamanca (Spain)

Title: Degree in Psychology (Social Psychology).Areas of Interest: Media Psychology, Media Effects, Media Entertainment Theory, Narrative Persuasion, Health Communication, Framing Theory.Highest earned academic degree including granting institution: Dr. in Social Psychology. PhD, 1996, University of the Basque Country (Spain).Current Position: Professor of Media Psychology, Media Effects and Communication Research Methods. University of Salamanca (Spain). 

Francisco J. Frutos, University of Salamanca Faculty of Social Sciences. Dpt. of Sociology and Communication. Campus Unamuno (Edificio FES). 37007 Salamanca (Spain)

Title: Degree in Communication.Areas of Interest: Media history, films studies, reception processes.Highest earned academic degree: Dr. in Communication. PhD, 2007, University of Salamanca (Spain).Current Position: Associate Professor of Audiovisual Communication. University of Salamanca (Spain).





