Anatomy of Front Pages: Comparison between <i>The New York Times</i> and other U.S. Major Metropolitan Newspapers


  • Yung Soo Kim School of Journalism and Media University of Kentucky
  • Deborah S. Chung School of Journalism and Media University of Kentucky


newspapers, The New York Times, journalism, front pages, page design, news media


Using content analysis, this article compares the front-page elements of The New York Times with six major metropolitan national newspapers to assess how different news organizations package and present their most important page to the public. Findings reveal that The New York Times featured more international and national news stories, depended more frequently on its own staff for both stories and images, and used smaller headlines on its front pages compared with the other major metropolitan newspapers.

Author Biographies

Yung Soo Kim, School of Journalism and Media University of Kentucky

Yung Soo Kim (Ph.D., Southern Illinois University - Carbondale) is an associate professor of journalism at the University of Kentucky. A former photojournalist for the The Pusan Ilbo Daily News (Pusan, Korea) and The Korea Times (Los Angeles, CA), he has published research in Journalism and Mass Communication Quarterly, Visual Communication Quarterly, and International Jouranl of Communication among others.

Deborah S. Chung, School of Journalism and Media University of Kentucky

Deborah S. Chung (Ph.D., Indiana University - Bloomington) is an associate professor of journalism at the University of Kentucky with areas of specialization in information communication technologies’ (ICTs) application to online news consumption and dissemination environments. Her work has been published in Mass Communication and Society, Journalism & Mass Communication Quarterly, Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication, Convergence, and the Journal of the American Society for Information Science and Technology among others.





