Attributional Chromatics: How Does the Color of Written Communication Affect Interpersonal Perceptions?


  • Adam S. Richards Texas Christian University
  • Edward L. Fink Temple University


attribution, color, affect, nonverbal communication, instructional feedback


This study investigated how the color of written communication influences interpersonal attributions. An experiment was conducted whereby students read a peer’s graded essay that varied according to the color of the ink used by the instructor. Feedback in red, compared with green or black, generally elicited more negative perceptions. Students reading feedback in red experienced greater negative emotion, gave the essay a lower grade, and judged the student-author to be less capable. A mediation model whereby negative emotion intervened between the color manipulation and the assessments made toward the essay, the student, and the instructor was supported. Nonrecursivity between student and instructor characteristics was found. Positive perceptions of student ability reduced perceptions of instructor competence, whereas positive perceptions of instructor competence increased perceptions of student ability.

Author Biographies

Adam S. Richards, Texas Christian University

Assistant ProfessorDepartment of Communication Studies817-257-6895

Edward L. Fink, Temple University

Laura H. Carnell ProfessorDepartment of Communication and Social Influence215-204-1092





