Imagining Futuretypes| The End of Material Scarcity: Dystopia and Immanent Critique of Capitalism


  • Adam Richard Rottinghaus University of Tampa
  • Roseann Pluretti University of Kansas
  • Daniel Sutko CSU Fullerton

Author Biographies

Adam Richard Rottinghaus, University of Tampa

Assistant Professor of Communication  2016He critically researches consumer culture, advertising, marketing, technological change, and discourses of the future. Most recently, he has been publishing about communication technologies in financial markets.

Roseann Pluretti, University of Kansas

Doctoral student and graduate teaching assistant in the William Allen White School of Journalism and Mass Communications at the University of Kansas. She is also the current vice-chair of the Communication and the Future division of the National Communication Association.

Daniel Sutko, CSU Fullerton

Assistant Professor at CSU Fullerton. He studies emerging media and culture, with an emphasis on how new media reorient power relations. His current work analyzes the connection between sea piracy and media piracy as related struggles over governing communication technology.





