Automation, Algorithms, and Politics| Bots and Political Influence: A Sociotechnical Investigation of Social Network Capital


  • Dhiraj Murthy University of Texas at Austin, USA
  • Alison B. Powell London School of Economics
  • Ramine Tinati University of South Hampton
  • Nick Anstead Assistant Professor
  • Leslie Carr University of South Hampton
  • Susan J. Halford University of South Hampton
  • Mark Weal University of South Hampton


bots, political communication, capital, moral panics, experimental methods


This study explains how bots interact with human users and influence conversational networks on Twitter. We analyze a high-stakes political environment, the UK general election of May 2015, asking human volunteers to tweet from purpose-made Twitter accounts—half of which had bots attached—during three events: the last Prime Minister’s Question Time before Parliament was dissolved (#PMQs), the first leadership interviews of the campaign (#BattleForNumber10), and the BBC Question Time broadcast of the same evening (#BBCQT). Based on previous work, our expectation was that our intervention would make a significant difference to the evolving network, but we found that the bots we used had very little effect on the conversation network at all. There are economic, social, and temporal factors that impact how a user of bots can influence political conversations. Future research needs to account for these forms of capital when assessing the impact of bots on political discussions.

Author Biographies

Dhiraj Murthy, University of Texas at Austin, USA


Alison B. Powell, London School of Economics

Assistant Professor

Ramine Tinati, University of South Hampton

Senior Research Fellow

Nick Anstead, Assistant Professor

London School of Economics

Leslie Carr, University of South Hampton


Susan J. Halford, University of South Hampton


Mark Weal, University of South Hampton

Associate Professor






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