The Musicless Music Video as a Spreadable Meme Video: Format, User Interaction, and Meaning on YouTube


  • Cande Sánchez-Olmos Assistant Professor University of Alicante Department Communication and Social Psychology Faculty of Economics & Business Sciences Carretera de San Vicente del Raspeig s/n 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig Alicante (Spain) Tel: (+34) 677457556
  • Eduardo Viñuela Assistant Professor University of Oviedo Department of History of Art and Musicology Faculty of Arts and Humanities C/ Amparo Pedregal s/n. 33011 Oviedo (Spain)


music video, music meme, YouTube, participatory culture, spreadable media, interaction


The aim of this article is to analyze the musicless music video—that is, a user-generated parodic musicless of the official music video circulated in the context of online participatory culture. We understand musicless videos as spreadable content that resignifies the consumption of the music video genre, whose narrative is normally structured around music patterns. Based on the analysis of the 22 most viewed musicless videos (with more than 1 million views) on YouTube, we aim, first, to identify the formal features of this meme video format and the characteristics of the online channels that host these videos. Second, we study whether the musicless video generates more likes, dislikes, and comments than the official music video. Finally, we examine how the musicless video changes the multimedia relations of the official music video and gives way to new relations among music, image, and text to generate new meanings.

Author Biographies

Cande Sánchez-Olmos, Assistant Professor University of Alicante Department Communication and Social Psychology Faculty of Economics & Business Sciences Carretera de San Vicente del Raspeig s/n 03690 San Vicente del Raspeig Alicante (Spain) Tel: (+34) 677457556

Dr. Media Studies, Assistant ProfessorPhone: +34 677457556Cande Sánchez-Olmos holds an International Ph.D. from the University of Alicante (Spain). She is a Lecturer of the Department of Communication and Social Psychology of the University of Alicante, where she teaches semiotic of mass media. In addition, she teaches in the Master Comincrea of the Universidad de Alicante and in the Master on Creative Marketing of the Madrid School of Marketing. She has published several scientific articles and chapters in books related to YouTube, TV series, music and advertising. In 2009, she won the national research award Prat Gaballí in Advertising and Public Relations.

Eduardo Viñuela, Assistant Professor University of Oviedo Department of History of Art and Musicology Faculty of Arts and Humanities C/ Amparo Pedregal s/n. 33011 Oviedo (Spain)

Eduardo Viñuela is an assistant professor in the Department of Musicology at the University of Oviedo (Spain). He has published and edited several books on popular music in audiovisual media, i.e. El videoclip en España (2009) or La música en el lenguaje audiovisual (2012). He has chaired the Spanish branch of IASPM from 2009 to 2014.





