<b>Net Neutrality| Working for Internet Freedoms: Network Neutrality in the United States and the Labors of Policy Advocacy—Introduction</b>


  • Becky Lentz McGill University
  • Allison Perlman University of California, Irvine


network neutrality, FCC, telecommunications policy, policy advocacy, media labor


This introduction discusses the rationales for this IJoC Special Section. It also provides an overview of the contributions to the Special Section. In our call for contributions, we indicated that our goal was “to provide an interdisciplinary look at the many labors of media advocacy and to foreground the ‘how’ and the ‘why’ of how media advocacy operates.” This Special Section, we believe, makes a vital contribution regarding these issues, with strengths being the methodologically diverse approaches taken by our contributors and the variety of questions that inform their work.

Author Biographies

Becky Lentz, McGill University

Becky Lentz is an associate professor of communication studies

Allison Perlman, University of California, Irvine

Allison Perlman is an assistant professor in the departments of film and media studies and history at UC Irvine.






Special Sections