<b>Economic Inequality| Economic Inequalities and Mediated Communication ― Introduction</b>


  • Paschal Preston Dublin City University
  • Andrea Grisold Vienna University of Economics and Business


economic inequality, media coverage, redistributional policies, journalism studies, critical political economy of the media


One of the most significant economic developments over the past decades has been the rise in income and wealth inequality. After decades of benign neglect, the issues of economic and social inequalities have reentered the stage of mainstream political attention in the Western heartland over the past couple of years. This is due, in part, to the high public profile of publications by Thomas Piketty and Tony Atkinson. In line with the growing significance of deepening economic inequalities, this Special Section engages with two broad, if overlapping, questions: (1) How do new forms of economic inequality, power, and privilege relate to relevant theories and conceptualizations of the media and institutions of public communication, whether in the fields of communication studies or political economy? (2) What role do the new forms of economic inequality play today in the typical narratives of mediated communication, and how is such inequality framed and discussed?

Author Biographies

Paschal Preston, Dublin City University

Professor Emeritus School of CommunicationDublin City UniversityIreland

Andrea Grisold, Vienna University of Economics and Business







Special Sections