Redirecting the Focus of the Agenda: Testing the Zero-Sum Dynamics of Media Attention in News and User-Generated Media


  • S Mo Jang University of South Carolina
  • Yong Jin Park Howard University


zero-sum issue competition, intermedia agenda setting, Sewol ferry, big data


This study uses the attention-allocation approach to examine the dynamics of media attention. Based on the assumption that media attention is limited, we tested the notion of zero-sum issue competition wherein increasing attention to one agenda decreases attention to existing agendas. Analyzing comprehensive data sets of Twitter, blogs, and online news for a four-month period after the 2014 Sewol ferry disaster in South Korea, this study finds displacing relationships between media attention to the Korean government and another target for blame: the ferry’s owner, Byung-eun Yu. This zero-sum principle prevailed regardless of the media’s political orientation, with mainstream and social media displaying similar patterns. Our follow-up time-series analysis hints at the intermedia influence from news coverage to Twitter posts. 

Author Biographies

S Mo Jang, University of South Carolina

S. Mo Jang, (PhD, University of Michigan) is Assistant Professor in the School of Journalism and Mass Communications, University of South Carolina.  His research focuses on social media analysis and public opinion about science and social issues.  His work appears in the Journal of Communication, Public Opinion Quarterly, New Media and Society, Journalism, and Mass Communication and Society among others.Phone: (803) 777 3321

Yong Jin Park, Howard University

Yong Jin Park, Associate Professor, Radio TV, Film, School of Communications, Howard University (Ph.D., Communication, University of Michigan, 2009; MA, Communication Management, USC Annenberg, 2003) His research centers on social and policy/political implications of new communication technologies, spanning the field of communication policy, media institutions, and new media users. His works (will) appear in Communication Research, New Media and Society, Telecommunications Policy, Journal of Broadcasting & Electronic Media, Government Information Quarterly, Journal of Communication, Journal of Information Policy, Sociology Compass, The Information Society, and Info: Journal of Policy, Regulation, and Telecommunications.Phone: (703) 657 2181 





