The Contingency of Meaning to the Party of God: Carnivalesque Humor in Revolutionary Times


  • Nour Halabi Annenberg School for Communication University of Pennsylvania


political parody, social movement, humor, dissent, Arab Spring


The events in the Arab Spring have previously been examined by journalistic and academic sources. Arguments surrounding the series of social movements that swept through the Middle East have shifted focus over time to assessing the success of revolutions in unseating political regimes, resulting in an inordinate amount of attention paid to “successful revolutions,” and the devalorization of “unsuccessful” ones. In the case of Syria, the 2011 Revolution has been linguistically relegated from revolution to crisis and finally to civil war. This article draws from the conviction that long-term change is required to unsettle long-standing and stable dictatorships such as the one in Syria. Thus, this visual analysis of the Hezbollah logo parodies that emerged following the party’s military support of the Syrian regime recognizes the carnivalesque ability of revolution to suspend existing régimes de savoir and break the fear to widen the discursive space toward uncrowning hitherto uncontested political authority. Thus, this study suggests a novel perspective for when revolutions conclude, and when assessments of their results may be made.

Author Biography

Nour Halabi, Annenberg School for Communication University of Pennsylvania

Nour Halabi is a phd student at the Annenberg School. Her research concerns the political economy of media industries in the Middle East and the relationship between place and identity in forced migration.





