Venture Labor| The Culture of Continuous Labor


  • Sarah Banet-Weiser University of Southern Caliofrnia


the good life, free agent, labor practices, vectors of identity


This forum serves as an opportunity to discuss the vectors of identity that inform the self-branded entrepreneurial subject analyzed by Neff. It provokes a series of questions. We are prompted to ask how the discourse and practice of entrepreneurship shape the entrepreneurial self, the branded self, and the outsourced self. Perhaps most importantly, we are invited to wonder how workers are led in flexible capitalism to believe that their paid work can serve as a source of happiness and an outlet for their passions.

Author Biography

Sarah Banet-Weiser, University of Southern Caliofrnia

Sarah Banet-Weiser is Director of the School of Communication at USC Annenberg. She is also a Professor in the School of Communication at USC Annenberg, and in the department of American Studies and Ethnicity. Her teaching and research interests include feminist theory, race and the media, youth culture, popular and consumer culture, and citizenship and national identity. She teaches courses in culture and communication, gender and media, youth culture, feminist theory and cultural studies. She has published articles in the academic journals Critical Studies and Media Communication, Feminist Theory, the International Journal of Communication, and Television and New Media, among others. She co-edited a book series with New York University Press, "Critical Cultural Communication," from 2006-2012, and was the editor ofAmerican Quarterly from 2010-2014.





