Defensive Reactions to Threatening Health Messages: Alternative Structures and Next Questions


  • James Price Dillard The Pennsylvania State University
  • Eric Meczkowski Department of Communication Arts & Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University
  • Chun Yang College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University.


defensive reactions, defensive processing, health, persuasion, Ebola, tanning


Defensive reactions offer an explanation for why people reject persuasive messages. Surprisingly, little research has focused on the basic question of how they are structured with regard to one another. Understanding this would enable more informed theorizing. Using data from two studies (N = 849 and N = 311), we tested four possible structures via confirmatory factor analysis, frequency analysis, and latent profile analysis. Results indicated that defensive reactions are best conceptualized as several related concepts that are positively correlated but cannot be reduced to a single phenomenon. Having addressed the structure issue empirically, we conclude with a series of questions that may guide efforts to explicate the concept known as defensive reactions.

Author Biographies

James Price Dillard, The Pennsylvania State University

Professor James Price Dillard 814-404-1596Communication Arts & Sciences

Eric Meczkowski, Department of Communication Arts & Sciences, The Pennsylvania State University

Strategy AssociateEgg StrategyBoulder, CO303.546.9311

Chun Yang, College of Communications, The Pennsylvania State University.

Graduate Student814-863-1484





