Personalities Discussing Politics: The Effects of Agreement and Expertise on Discussion Frequency and the Moderating Role of Personality Traits


  • Hyunjin Song University of Vienna
  • Hajo Boomgaarden University of Vienna


political discussion, discussion frequency, political agreement, political expertise, personality traits, multilevel analysis, propensity score analysis


Research suggests that individuals’ personality traits are uniquely related to the patterns of their social interactions. This study addresses whether and how personality traits condition the social interaction patterns when people discuss politics in their immediate social environment. We explore the interactive relationship between discussion partners’ personality traits, disagreement, and expertise when they discuss the economy and immigration. Combining a multilevel approach with a propensity score analysis, this examination of a nationally representative sample of Austrian citizens finds that, although political agreement may motivate individuals to frequently discuss politics, not all citizens are equally affected by expertise, nor is such influence identical for different discussion topics.

Author Biographies

Hyunjin Song, University of Vienna

Hyunjin Song (PhD, The Ohio State University) is an assistant professor in the Department of Communication at University of Vienna. His research areas include the influence of interpersonal discussion on political engagement and statistical modeling of social networks.

Hajo Boomgaarden, University of Vienna

Hajo Boomgaarden (PhD, University of Amsterdam) is professor of empirical social science methods with a focus on text analysis at the Department of Communication at University of Vienna. His research interests include the coverage and effects of political information on citizens’ cognitions, attitudes and behaviors in various domains of media and politics, and developments in automated content analysis techniques.





