One Belt, Competing Metaphors: The Struggle over Strategic Narrative in English-language News Media


  • Jing Xin School of Journalism and Communication at Central China Normal University, Wuhan
  • Donald Matheson University of Canterbury


strategic narrative, metaphor analysis, corpus analysis, Belt and Road, China, globalizationysis, globalization


This article studies the reception by English-language news media of a strategic narrative deployed by the Chinese state to reposition China in the world. Metaphor analysis is conducted on 816 articles from six countries or regions at the time of a summit in Beijing about the US$5 trillion Belt and Road Initiative to trace the impact of the symbolic work done by China on Western representations. The analysis, combining computer-assisted analysis of the corpus with close analysis of each text, identifies the widespread use of a set of conventional metaphors that reinforce the Chinese state’s geopolitical shift, but also frequent and sometimes highly conscious use of novel metaphors that cast doubt on official Chinese discourse and foreground it as a geopolitical move. The analysis reveals a global English-language imaginary that both extends beyond long-standing stereotypes of China and displays an ironic and critical attitude toward China’s strategic self-positioning. The article argues for the importance of investigating strategic narrative as a rhetorical performance. 

Author Biographies

Jing Xin, School of Journalism and Communication at Central China Normal University, Wuhan

Jing Xin is an associate professor in School of Journalism and Communication at Central China Normal University, Wuhan, China. Her main research interests are intercultural communication and environmental communication.

Donald Matheson, University of Canterbury

Donald Matheson is an associate professor in Media and Communication at the University of Canterbury, New Zealand. He is co-editor of the journal, Ethical Space and the author of two books. His research spans journalism studies, communication ethics and discourse analysis.





