“He’s Got His Own Sea”: Political Facebook Unfriending in the Personal Public Sphere


  • Nicholas A. John Department of Communication, Hebrew University of Jerusalem
  • Noam Gal Department of Communication, Hebrew University of Jerusalem


Facebook, unfriending, defriending, disconnection, political conversation, social media, personal public sphere


This article explores the meaning of political unfriending and proposes the concept of the personal public sphere. Interviews with Jewish Israeli Facebook users who unfriended during the Israel–Gaza conflict of 2014 show unfriending to be a form of boundary management for the self in conditions of networked sociality. They shed light on deeply rooted perceptions of the “networkedness” of society as a fundamental organizing principle for the self and collective. Thus, we conceptualize unfriending as exercising sovereignty over one’s personal public sphere while also acknowledging that everyone else has their own personal public sphere too. The concept of the personal public sphere accounts for a crucial feature of politically motivated unfriending: the dissonance between the justifications for unfriending and the act itself.

Author Biographies

Nicholas A. John, Department of Communication, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Nicholas A. John is a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Communication, Hebrew University of Jerusalem. He can be found at nicholasjohn.huji.ac.il.

Noam Gal, Department of Communication, Hebrew University of Jerusalem

Noam Gal is a doctoral candidate at the Department of Communication, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.





