Renée Desjardins, <i>Translation and Social Media: In Theory, in Training and in Professional Practice</i>


  • Peixuan Lin Fujian Normal University
  • Linxin Liang Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Author Biographies

Peixuan Lin, Fujian Normal University

Lin Peixuan, Associate Professor and Master Tutor at College of Foreign Languages, Fujian Normal University, where she teaches translation and interpretation courses for undergraduates and graduate students. She got the Doctorate degree of Linguistics and Applied Linguistics in 2009. Her research interests are translation theory, translation practice and discourse analysis (on Biblical allusions).

Linxin Liang, Huazhong University of Science and Technology

Linxin Liang, Lecturer, Postdoctoral Fellow, PhD from School of Foreign Languages at Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST). His major research interests lie in translation studies and crosscultural studies. He has published almost 30 articles on SSCI, A&HCI, CSSCI journals and other university journals, such as Across Languages and Cultures, Australian Journal of Linguistics, Babel, Chinese Science and Technology Translators Journal, International Journal of Communication, Language and Intercultural Communication, Language and Translation, The Interpreter and Translator Trainer and Translation Review.


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