Revisiting <I>Hearing the Other Side</i>: Distinct Associations of Social Network Characteristics With Political Discussion and Participation


  • Sun Kyong (Sunny) Lee The University of Oklahoma
  • Nathan J. Lindsey University of Oklahoma
  • Kyun Soo Kim Chonnam National University
  • William T. Howe Department of Communication University of Oklahoma


political participation, cross-cutting discussion, dialogic openness, tie strength, network size and attributes


This study extends research on the impact of cross-cutting political discussion on dialogic openness and political participation by considering political network diversity and network sizes of various tie strengths. The study employs a national survey of U.S. citizens (N = 1,001) and finds distinct paths to political participation through political networks’ attributes and political discussions according to network type and size. The study also identifies an interaction between cross-cutting discussion and strong tie political homogeneity on both dialogic openness and political participation. Politically homogeneous strong ties dampen participation when unaccompanied by frequent cross-cutting discussion. The study’s findings contribute to conceptual and empirical distinctions between the sizes of general social networks and the attributes of political networks. The research integrates various theorizations of the process leading to political participation.

Author Biographies

Sun Kyong (Sunny) Lee, The University of Oklahoma

Assistant Professor at Department of Communication+1-732-947-2158

Nathan J. Lindsey, University of Oklahoma

Doctoral candidate at the Department of Communication, U of Oklahoma

Kyun Soo Kim, Chonnam National University

Chair & Associate Professor at Department of Communication

William T. Howe, Department of Communication University of Oklahoma

Doctoral candidate at the Department of Communication, U of Oklahoma





