Political Rumor Communication on Instant Messaging Platforms: Relationships With Political Participation and Knowledge


  • Nojin Kwak University of Michigan
  • Daniel S. Lane University of California, Santa Barbara
  • Qinfeng Zhu University of Groningen
  • Slgi S. Lee University of Michigan
  • Brian E. Weeks University of Michigan


political rumors, political participation, political knowledge, instant messaging, KakaoTalk, South Korea


Modern communication technologies have vastly increased the reach and influence of political rumors, with negative consequences for democratic political systems globally. Rumor communication can be theorized as a form of political talk that helps citizens grapple with the uncertainty inherent in politics, form opinions, and build solidarity with others. The present study examines how one type of communication technology—instant messaging platforms—might facilitate forms of rumor communication that can influence participation in and knowledge about politics. Using original panel survey data from the 2017 South Korean election, we find that rumor communication on the popular instant messaging platform KakaoTalk predicts increased campaign participation, but not campaign knowledge. Further, political rumor communication on instant messaging platforms appears to exacerbate participatory inequality between those with weak and those with strong political interest and ideology.

Author Biographies

Nojin Kwak, University of Michigan

Professor and the Chair of the Department of Communication and Media, and the Director of the Nam Center for Korean Studies at the University of Michigan

Daniel S. Lane, University of California, Santa Barbara

Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication at UC Santa Barbara

Qinfeng Zhu, University of Groningen

Assistant Professor in the Center for Media and Journalism Studies, University of Groningen

Slgi S. Lee, University of Michigan

Doctoral candidate in the Department of Communication and Media at the University of Michigan

Brian E. Weeks, University of Michigan

Assistant Professor in the Department of Communication and Media and a Faculty Associate in the Center for Political Studies at the University of Michigan


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