Credibility as a Differentiation and Relational Strategy: A Functional Analysis of CNN’s Unprecedented Democratic Climate Crisis Town Hall Forum


  • Diana Zulli Purdue University
  • Meaghan McKasy Utah Valley University


credibility, political public relations, functional campaign communication, primary campaigns, issue ownership


Extending Benoit’s functional theory of campaign communication and drawing on public relations research, this content analysis positions source credibility—trustworthiness, expertise, relatability, and evidence—as a useful differentiation and relational strategy during primary campaigns. Results from analyzing CNN’s unprecedented 2019 climate change town hall forum indicate that the Democratic candidates favored relatability appeals and were more likely to reference their credibility when asked questions from the audience. Female politicians were more likely to reference their trustworthiness and include more than one credibility tactic in their responses. And, candidates ranked lower in the polls were more likely to reference their relatability. The implications for political public relations are discussed.

Author Biographies

Diana Zulli, Purdue University

Diana Zulli (Ph.D., University of Utah, 2018) is an assistant professor in the Brian Lamb School of Communication at Purdue University. Her research interests include political discourse, communication theory, and digital technology.

Meaghan McKasy, Utah Valley University

Meaghan McKasy (Ph.D., University of Utah) is an Assistant Professor of Public Relations in the Department of Communication at Utah Valley University. Her research examines information processing and attitude formation in science and environmental communication. A significant portion of her work analyzes variables that influence motivation and ability in the processing of strategic messaging.





