Surviving or Thriving? Examining the Impact of Digital Connective Politics in Primary-Level Cadres’ Live-Streaming E-Commerce in China


  • Yupei Zhao Zhejiang University
  • Wanyan Wu Zhejiang Univiersity
  • Zhongxuan Lin Jinan University


primary-level cadres, connective action, live-streaming, digital governance


This study aimed to empirically investigate the initiatives led by primary-level cadres to boost local economies in China through live-streaming e-commerce. The study employed semi-structured interviews and discourse analysis to examine how primary-level cadres’ live-streaming e-commerce (PCLE) enables primary-level cadres to present a positive political image, improve poverty alleviation efforts and sales, and gain public trust. The findings indicated that virtual gifts, bullet comments, and tipping during live-streaming have emerged as novel forms of connective action. In addition, a new and fragile collective identity was observed among the cadres, viewers, platforms, and enterprises involved. Furthermore, PCLE has been found to aid the survival of local enterprises and promote economic growth, particularly during the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the monetization of cadres’ credibility poses risks to the credibility of governments. The current findings have significant implications for the live-streaming industry and digital governance at the local level.

Author Biographies

Yupei Zhao, Zhejiang University

Yupei Zhao (PhD University of Leicester) is an “Hundred Talent Program Young Professor” and doctorial tutor in college of Media and International Culture in Zhejiang University(PRC). Her research interests widely include digital culture and politics, intracultural communication and popular media. Her research has appeared in International Journal of Cultural Studies, Social media + Society, Journal of Cultural Economy, International Journal of Communication, Social Science Quarterly, Sage Open, Media International Australia etc.

Wanyan Wu, Zhejiang Univiersity

Wanyan Wu is a PhD student in the College of Media and International Culture at Zhejiang University (PRC). She earned her Master’s in Gender, Media and Culture at the London School of Economics and Political Science (UK). Her research interest lies in digital culture, gender and media culture, and digital feminist activism. Her current research focuses on the identity of virtual celebrities and the ethics of virtual humans.

Zhongxuan Lin, Jinan University

Zhongxuan Lin (PhD) is a Professor at the School of Journalism and Communication, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China. His research interests include game studies, cultural studies and communication studies. His work has appeared in Television & New Media;Discourse & Communication; Chinese Journal of Communication; International Journal of Communication; International Journal of Cultural Studies; Journal of Cultural Economy; Media, Culture & Society; New Media & Society and Information, Communication & Society among others.





