The State of the Field of Social Norms Research


  • Hillary C. Shulman Ohio State University
  • Nancy Rhodes Michigan State University
  • Emily Davidson Ohio State University
  • Rachel Ralston Ohio State University
  • Lorraine Borghetti Ohio State University
  • Lindsey Morr Ohio State University


social norms, theory of planned behavior, theory of reasoned action, content analysis, theory building


This investigation provides a synthesis of the state of social norm research in the social sciences using a content analysis of 821 empirical studies that employed social norms as a primary construct. Questions guiding this analysis included: What theories are most often used in social norms research? What types of social norms are used most often in research? What referents are typically used in social norm measures? What topics are typically investigated with social norms? What outcomes are frequently associated with social norms? And what ages and in what countries are norms commonly studied? By highlighting the trends in this vast area, it is hoped that future work can focus on integrating and advancing theory in this popular domain of communication research.

Author Biographies

Hillary C. Shulman, Ohio State University

Assistant Professor of Communication in the School of Communication at Ohio State University. 847-772-8949

Nancy Rhodes, Michigan State University

Assistant Professor

Emily Davidson, Ohio State University

Doctoral Student,  School of Communication, Ohio State University

Rachel Ralston, Ohio State University


Lorraine Borghetti, Ohio State University

Doctoral Student, School of Communication, Ohio State University

Lindsey Morr, Ohio State University

Masters Student, School of Communication, Ohio State University


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