Online Disinformation in Brazil: A Typology of Discursive Action of Harmful Political Content on WhatsApp and Facebook


  • Tatiana Dourado National Institute of Science and Technology in Digital Democracy (INCT.DD)
  • Victor Piaia Getulio Vargas Foundation
  • Viktor Chagas Fluminense Federal University
  • Dalby Dienstbach Fluminense Federal University, Brazil
  • Marco Aurelio Ruediger Getulio Vargas Foundation
  • Eurico Matos Getulio Vargas Foundation
  • João Guilherme Bastos dos Santos National Institute of Science and Technology for Digital Democracy (INCT.DD)


harmful political content, online hate speech, discursive action, radical Right, social media


This article investigates harmful political content in public WhatsApp and Facebook groups of the radical Right in Brazil. Considering harmful political content as that which generates direct damage to the quality, reasonableness, and plurality of public discussion, we investigate the enunciative aspects of four specific types of discursive action (uncivil, conspiratorial, hateful, and dangerous) and the non-enunciative aspects used for harmful types of communication and interaction. The database consists of 3,503,540 messages propagated in 1,676 public groups during the electoral process. Through a quantitative approach to a sample of 2,201 unique messages, we found, among other things, that (1) harmful content was more present on Facebook than on WhatsApp; (2) messages about the elections were associated with uncivil speech; (3) uncivil speech was usually associated with dangerous speech and opposed to conspiratorial speech. The results allow for more nuanced reflections on the actions and strategy of the Far Right in the digital public debate.

Author Biographies

Tatiana Dourado, National Institute of Science and Technology in Digital Democracy (INCT.DD)

Tatiana Dourado is PhD in Communication at the Federal University of Bahia and a researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology in Digital Democracy, Brazil. E-mail: Address: R. Barão de Jeremoabo, s/n - Ondina, Salvador - BA, 40170-115.

Victor Piaia, Getulio Vargas Foundation

Victor Piaia is PhD in Sociology at the State University of Rio de Janeiro and professor at the School of Communication, Media and Information of Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil. ORCID: 0000-0002-1012-3157. E-mail: Address: Praia de Botafogo, 190 – 7º andar – Botafogo – Rio de Janeiro/RJ – CEP 22.250-900.

Viktor Chagas, Fluminense Federal University

Viktor Chagas is PhD in History at Getulio Vargas Foundation and associate professor at the Media and Cultural Studies Department and the Communication Graduate Program at the Fluminense Federal University, Brazil. E-mail: Address: R. Prof. Marcos Waldemar de Freitas Reis, A - Sala 202 - São Domingos, Niterói - RJ, 24210-201.

Dalby Dienstbach, Fluminense Federal University, Brazil

Dalby Dienstbach is PhD in Linguistics at Fluminense Federal University and professor at the School of Communication, Media and Information of Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil. ORCID: 0000-0002-2198-0779. E-mail: Address: Praia de Botafogo, 190 – 7º andar – Botafogo – Rio de Janeiro/RJ – CEP 22.250-900.

Marco Aurelio Ruediger, Getulio Vargas Foundation

Marco Ruediger is PhD in Sociology at University Research Institute of Rio de Janeiro and the Director of the School of Communication, Media and Information of Getulio Vargas Foundation, Brazil. E-mail: Address: Praia de Botafogo, 190 – 7º andar – Botafogo – Rio de Janeiro/RJ – CEP 22.250-900.

Eurico Matos, Getulio Vargas Foundation

Eurico Matos is PhD in Communication at the Federal University of Bahia and professor at the School of Communication, Media and Information of Getulio Vargas Foundation and associated researcher at the National Institute of Science and Technology in Digital Democracy, Brazil. ORCID: 0000-0002-9849-1260. E-mail: Address: Praia de Botafogo, 190 – 7º andar – Botafogo – Rio de Janeiro/RJ – CEP 22.250-900.

João Guilherme Bastos dos Santos, National Institute of Science and Technology for Digital Democracy (INCT.DD)

João Guilherme Bastos dos Santos is PhD in Sociology at the State University of Rio de Janeiro and currently the Data Analyst of Rooted in Trust Brazil (Internews/RiT 2.0), researcher at the Brazilian National Institute of Science and Technology for Digital Democracy (INCT.DD) and member of PCIO’s Influence Operations Researchers’ Guild. E-mail: Address: R. Manoel Barreto, 662 - Graça - Salvador - BA - CEP 40150-360.





